In Today's life, education plays a significant role. Our main aim is to provide education to people in need. All the people in India have the right to education, but because poverty is a significant problem in India, children suffer when they go to school where they work. Government schools are there, but parents think there is no need to send them to school. They send their children to collect plastic bottles and scraps or keep them to care for young brothers and sisters. 

Our GULLY CLASSES aim to develop ideas and inculcate knowledge about the importance of education. We conduct 2 - 3 hours sessions on alternate days. We guide them. We teach moral values and Good habits. Along with primary education, we take craft and drawing sessions to increase their creativity. We also play games such as puzzles related to studies and outdoor games such as cricket, badminton and more exciting games.

We aim to give them the importance of education and to enhance interest among them. So that every child will go to school, and those who go to school but sometimes are weak or unable to go in tuition, we teach them. We also develop the importance of education in parents' minds. We also encourage them to be admitted to schools and help our Gully Classes children get access to school. 

We try to ensure that even the most vulnerable children in a shelter can realize their dreams. Our motive is to provide educational and mentoring support and help to build the children's emotional health.
Tree Plantation is necessary to save our earth from destruction and the lives surviving on it. In this growing industrial and technological era, pollution has become a significant problem. Many animals and birds are facing the threat of extinction due to the lack of their natural habitat.

Help Other NGOs trying, and it's our mission to plant more trees and build new forests so that we are saving many species that are dependent on such lifestyles that include trees as a home and their fruits, leaves, etc., as their food. This will maintain the biodiversity in our world and the harmony of life.
Help Other NGO as our motto, "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." 

Our team also does free Food Distribution services to underprivileged children and people. Healthy food is prepared and served hot to those staying in the slum.

This noble deed is a never-ending process. It can be carried out by anyone who wishes to feed the underprivileged on account of any special event in their life, like birthdays, anniversaries, or even in memory of a loved one. You can donate to the cause even without an occasion! What's better? As "A hand loses nothing by holding another's hand."
HELP OTHER NGO strives to provide low-cost primary healthcare to the lowest strata of the socio-economic pyramid and is doing well in achieving its goals. In Slum areas, campaigns are done. The doctors are given free food and accommodation. Spectacles, wheelchairs, crutches and blankets are distributed, and our volunteers help them as required.

Our NGO encourages people to contribute daily essentials like rice, pulses and so on to the less fortunate. This is an innovative step towards solving the problem of food shortage and, thus, nutrition among poor people. You can donate, or you can also join us in activities that are conducted.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a widespread proverb which means maintenance of cleanliness lead a person toward goodness and humanity.

HELP OTHER NGO also make Cleanliness event to brings good and positive thoughts in the minds of every individual in our society which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

Places we visit to feel relax to get peace such as beaches but in current senario beaches is littered.
As we initiates to clean up with our volunteers and also the places that requires cleanliness. As we need   Future Generation not to survive. Come forward to make India beautiful.
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.

There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
+91 9323263322 (Founder)
       +91 9892788396 (Mumbai Head)
 +91 7976641976 (Kota Head)
     +91 7208169193 (Nagaur Head)